Communication with Eco effect


Communication with Eco effect


Kommuni­kation mit Öko-Effekt

By the Editorial Team

In environmental protection, even small measures add up to measurable effects. That’s why Messer also abides by ecological principles in communication.

In many places, the use of gases plays a significant role in preserving the environment. Cold grinding and supercritical extraction save large quantities of solvents. Where the latter are used, however, they can be recovered with cryogenic processes after use and transferred to closed material cycles. When melting steel or glass, the addition of pure oxygen provides for efficient combustion and saves large quantities of greenhouse gases. This also happens with transport cooling, when carbon dioxide in the form of dry ice serves as coolant. And because this eliminates the need for refrigeration equipment in the vehicles, it also reduces noise emissions.

Less paper, ink and CO₂ emissions The list of significant environmental protection benefits could go on and on – for the gases specialists at Messer, ecology represents an intrinsic and large-scale part of the core business. But that’s no reason to neglect the details that also conserve resources and reduce pollution. Even “small” measures make impacts that contribute to the overall result. One such measure concerns this very magazine. This edition of Gases for Life marks the first time that it has been published exclusively online and is no longer printed. With an average print run of 5,000 copies, that means a savings of about one ton of paper per issue. Moreover, 140,000 magazine pages no longer have to be printed. That saves not only printing ink, but also electricity for operating the printing presses. It has also eliminated the need to put the magazines into envelopes and physically deliver them. In the past, these periodicals had also been sent to far-away readers – in China, Vietnam or America, for example – so this alone reduces greenhouse emissions to some degree.

Quantities of data and server operation The Group’s annual report – with the exception of a few printed deposit copies – is also available only in digital form now. Although published only once per year, it is much larger in scope than this magazine: The “Corporate Responsibility Report and Management Report” for 2018, for example, had 147 pages. The comprehensive document was sent out to a large number of business partners and all employees. That means that the savings in paper, printing and distribution represents something in the neighborhood of two full years of Gases for Life magazine. Because the virtual world of data streams relies on electricity-driven computers, savings effects can also be achieved in digital communications. This was one of the objectives of the relaunch of the Messer’s internet presence in August. In the past, there had been many duplications between the Group’s website and the subsidiaries’ home pages. The same data were maintained on different servers, with the associated storage space requirements and resulting power consumption. In the new format, the content is clearly arranged, thereby eliminating the need to maintain large quantities of data in multiple locations. When it comes to the environment, paying attention also to the small things is really a matter of principle.