No 37 | December 2022
Gases for Life
The industrial gases magazine

No 37 | December 2022
Gases for Life
The industrial gases magazine
Focus on efficiency and environmental protection
Focus on efficiency and environmental protection
Dr. Friedhelm Herzog is Senior Manager Application Technology Industry at Messer. He started his career with the company 32 years ago in Engineering. Later he held positions in Research & Development as well as Application Technologies and Sales Strategy. Today his work mainly involves process optimization, energy efficiency improvement, and minimization of the ecological footprint.

Teqball with world-class stars
Teqball with world-class stars
It is a new sport with Olympic ambitions that the world’s best soccer players use to prepare for the next top match. At the same time, it is a sports technology innovation from Hungary: On the curved teqball table, kicking demands the finesse of ping-pong. It is manufactured with Messer gases.